SGA Presents Cultural Appreciation Day
Students shared informative posters, foods, music, and other things about their culture during Culture Appreciation Day on May 5.
May 15, 2023
Here at Kenwood, we are about diversity and inclusivity. We show our diversity in many different ways, and one of them is our Cultural Appreciation Day. Kenwood’s Student Government Association started the tradition last school year and were happy to bring it back this year on May 5.
The purpose of Cultural Appreciation is to give students a chance to express their pride for their culture and country. Our student population represents a variety of cultural diversity from all over the world from India to Nigeria, to Guatemala and El Salvador, and Mexico. Students were able to represent their country with various cultural foods, traditional outfits, and informative posters.
Fifty three students signed up to participate in the event? Yennifer David was one of the participants in this year’s Cultural Day and shares, “My country is El Salvador and one thing we are known for is las pupusas. We are able to share unique things we are proud of from where we’re from.”
Whereas some students shared favorite food dishes about their culture, for others it was the arts. Senior Okwuchi Nwabueze says, “My culture is Nigerian and one thing about my culture is our music. It is the best part of our culture.”
With students being able to express themselves and where they come from it helps others understand their background and experiences more. Many students were able to attend the event when SGA hosted it in the school cafeteria during period 4A.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to not only celebrate cultural diversity but build acceptance for cultural diversity among peers. Lucky Sarikela adds, “It feels good to spread my culture to others! They can understand how I feel!” Students are able to make connections and understand each other better when they are able to express and showcase the experiences of where they come from.
It was Ms. McRae’s first year as the SGA advisor. She thought the Cultural Appreciation day went great this year. “I think that the students had a great time. There was a lot of information shared. The food and music showed a multitude of different cultures,” she shares.
If you didn’t get to take advantage of learning about some of the countries Kenwood kids are from here are some fun facts about two places well represented on Cultural Appreciation Day. Known as the Land of Volcanoes, El Salvador has frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. It is the only country in Central America that does not have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea. Nigeria is the most populous black nation on Earth. It is home to the second largest film industry on the globe while also being the fashion, technological, and creative hub in Africa. Nigerians are known for their vibrant and friendly energy expressed through diverse creative expressions.
If you missed this year’s cultural day hopefully you’ll catch next year’s.