Students and Teachers Head Into Spring Break

Chigozirim Agommuo

Baltimore County Spring Break begins at the end of the school day tomorrow on  March 31st and ends April 10. With no snow days and a few years of no Spring Breaks for BCPS back in 2018 and 2019 followed by Spring Break cancellation with a pandemic restrictions, it feels like a long awaited Spring Break.

It’s just been in the past year that many people have resumed their traveling. The tourism industry reported, “a stead, though gradual, climb” in 2022 (Kellman).

Some Kenwood teachers are taking off to travel destinations with their time off. English teacher, Ms. Single is using the break to go collect photos and artifacts from Krakow, Poland. “I’ll be visiting both Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Oscar Schindler Factory museum. I’m super excited to take photos to share with students during our study of Elie Wiesel’s Night next year.”

Some use Spring Break to travel while others use it as a nice time to rest and reset at home. For some students it’s a chance to get in more hours at work and make more money. Sophomore Kai’onna J. is using the break to pick up extra hours at work.

For all it’s a chance to pause before launching into the last two months of the school year which are often filled with many end of the year exams with SAT, MCAP, AP/IB exams, and finals.

Whether you’re traveling the world, working extra hours, spending extra time with family and friends, or just resting up for the final two months of the school year we wish you a fantastic Spring Break!



Kellman, Laurie. “After two Pandemic Years-Travel Bounce and Chaos”.  The Associated Press. 1 July 2022. Web Accessed 20 March 2023.