How to Make This Your Best Year of High School Yet

B. Powell

Make the most of high school by attending or participating in school events this school year.

Kayla Bey and Katherin Moreno

We’re already a month in to a new school year but are you on the right track to make it a year that stands out as the biggest and best yet. Whether it’s your first year of high school or last, this is the year to make high school memorable!

Here are our recommendations as seasoned high school students how to make the best of your year here at Kenwood High School.

Get Involved

When you are first entering high school you always want to think about getting involved with activities and organizations. School counselor Mr.Grubka shares, “Students should get involved at Kenwood. You will get out what you put in. Whether it is sports, clubs, honor societies, extra-curricular activities, or volunteering, GET INVOLVED!!” If you’re athletic there are plenty of sports opportunities. If interested check with Coach Ruocco. If sports aren’t your thing but it’s more the arts Kenwood has a fantastic music, theater, and arts program. Ms. Cain, Ms. Taylor, Ms. Pennington, or Mr. Ladd will be more than happy to share more information on how you can get involved. Kenwood Student Government Association oversees many high school events including the tradition of Homecoming and is a great way to be involved in school. There are numerous clubs and organizations advised by Kenwood’s teachers and staff so it’s just a matter of finding the one that fits your interests.


Though fun and memorable is an important part of the high school experience, it’s hard to do that if you’re not keeping your grades up. Grades are very important when coming to high school because you don’t want to end up failing your classes and having to tack on extra coursework or even a whole year to graduate. “Maintaining your grades, turning in your work, and being present in class is very important,” warns Mr. Grubka.  It’s so vital to stay up to date on what’s going on your classes which is why attendance is so important! The habit of procrastination is just stress inducing so why do that to yourself!  Getting a solid GPA this first quarter right from the start is the best option for a successful school year!


Connecting with people and making friends is part of the high school experience. But to do that it’s best to again get involved. Whatever your interests are you’ll meet others who enjoy the same things as you. Another great one to make friends and enjoy those friendships is to attend sporting events and school activities. During your high school years you will have friends leaving and staying you will know the difference between real and fake friendships, people hiding behind their “kindness”


Avoid Drama

Making friends and building great relationships with your teachers and the rest of Kenwood staff can definitely lead to a positive high school experience which is why it’s never best to argue with a teacher. Teachers at Kenwood are very genuinely nice. It’s best to avoid drama period! Who needs that added stress in their lives! You learn in high school the meaning of true friends so if one is bringing constant drama to your life it may just be time for a new friend.

Explore Your Interests

After high school is the real world! Now is the time to explore your interests before making that commitment after high school. Kenwood High School offers many electives and programs that you can explore for potential career opportunities. Some CTE programs even give you a head start on a particular career. You can leave here well prepared for the next step but again as Mr. Grubka says, “You will get out of high school what you put in!”


We hope everyone has a great school year and makes the best of this year at Kenwood High!