The First Ever News Literacy Week Launches January 27-Feb 2


This is the first year for National News Literacy Week, which runs from January 27-Feb 2. It is a week to raise awareness on “determining what is credible and what is not, to identify different types of information, and to use the standards of authoritative, fact-based journalism as an aspirational measure in deciding what to trust, what to share, and what to act on” (News Literacy Project, 2020). The journalism class at Kenwood High School in Essex, Maryland had the awesome opportunity to work with Good Morning Maryland’s news anchor Christian Schaffer to co-produce a story for National News Literacy week and in the process learn more about why today, with the mass amount of information that is available to people, news literacy is so important to know and understand.

Check out the rest of the story at WMAR Channel 2 ABC News