Caroline Harris and Bluebirds Give Back Club Sponsors Tree at Festival of Trees

Bluebird Tree from the 2019 Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees

Bluebird Tree from the 2019 Kennedy Krieger Festival of Trees

Luvia Thomas, Senior

Kenwood High student Caroline Harris was first introduced to the Festival of Trees through a family friend who has a child on the autism spectrum. The Kennedy Krieger Institute is a nonprofit facility that offers inpatient and outpatient medical care for children with disabilities. In 1990, the Kennedy Krieger Institute started the Festival of Trees as an annual fundraiser.

After Caroline helped the family friend decorate a tree for the festival, she decided to participate again by taking on sponsoring a tree for Kenwood. “I decided I wanted to represent Kenwood at such a great event, so, this year a club I started called Bluebirds Give Back decided to sponsor a tree for Kenwood,” shares Caroline. The Kenwood tree was one of only two representing a Baltimore County public school at this year’s Festival of Trees.


Be sure to read the rest of the story where it was originally published on BCPS Exposure