Kenwood Develops a Compost Program for Baltimore County

Kenwood students disposing of their lunch waste in the new environmentally friendly way of composting.

Kenwood students disposing of their lunch waste in the new environmentally friendly way of composting.

Loveth Ajayi, Senior

This new school year brings with it changes in the way waste is being disposed by Baltimore County Public Schools. Kenwood High School is a pilot school and the force behind a new composting program for BCPS.

Through composting, food waste and other materials decompose (biodegrade) into nutrient-rich soil.
Grade 11 AP Government student Ashby Gambrah wanted to start a composting program for her freshmen Capstone project. She and Derek Woodward, a Kenwood High social studies teacher, were originally told there was a policy against composting in BCPS. But as they investigated further, they discovered there was no such policy.

Now for the 2019-2020 school year, Kenwood High, along with Lyons Mill and Wellwood International elementary schools, are piloting composting for BCPS.


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