Thankful for the Bluebirds of Kenwood


Loveth Ajayi, Senior

I know a school,
sure, you know of it too,
the place where we all journey through,
for about four years of our lives,
place of knowledge, honor and wisdom.



Great citadel of learning,
filled with all colors,
be it blue and white,
with the same treatment,
hallways filled with students from different countries,
I repeat different continents.

What I see are birds,
painted with blue and white,
being the color of the school,
signifying striving for more.

What I hear are lectures,
passionate voices of teachers,
devoting into teaching the students,
the knowledge they’ve acquired over the years,
with self-sacrifice, commitment, and discipline.

What I feel is gratitude,
grateful for being part of the history,
of a place of learning like this,
marking its existence close to a century,
with great accomplishments over the years.

What I hold is a belief we are all equal,
as displayed in the school,
not considering the inequality of fingers,
not considering the inequality of toes.

What I speak is English,
to emphasize the uniqueness,
in this school,
nurturing its students as a family in one accord.

What I care about is its hands-on-learning,
giving students new opportunities,
to explore the world,
with different experiences,
needed to succeed.

What I perceive is the pride,
Standing for preparation,
Respect, integrity, determination,
and excellence, in this place of learning,
we use these strong words as our watchword.

Home! home! home!
Can I ever forget this place of learning?
It feels like home in here,
This place of learning like a second home to all.