Can you feel it in the air? Spring is here! Though it doesn’t officially arrive until Thursday, March 20, the weather for most of March has definitely left us feeling like Spring has sprung here in Baltimore.
With Spring also comes the sense of relief that school is coming to an end before long. There is happiness and excitement for things like Spring break and summer but challenges and obstacles are a factor as well. As excited for nice weather and all that this time of the year brings, “it’s not time to slack off!” warns KHS staff.
There’s still a little over a quarter left in the school year once we hit Spring and with the new BCPS grading policy, students are frequently reminded they must pass both semesters to receive their full credit for courses so Spring may be here but remember the school year isn’t over until mid June!
But still, teachers and students are feeling the excitement of the upcoming season. There are many things to look forward to as April and May approaches. The last sports season the year began on March 1 and will conclude in mid to late May. Third quarter will end April 4 and the following week on April 11 begins Spring Break. The traditional Junior Prom is April 25th and their Ring Ceremony is April 30th.
With May comes Kenwood’s traditional Art Show is also in May, as well as Senior Prom and senior week with all of the beloved celebratory traditions seniors anticipate as they end their school careers. It is a great exciting time of the year.
Shaylah J. adds, “I’m very excited and ready to relax for spring break.” As excited as we all may be with the changing weather and events coming up, it’s important to stay motivated in school as we wrap up the school year. The return from Spring Break often brings some of the most stressful academic time for students with state testing, quickly followed by end of the year finals.
“It’s easy to get distracted,” shares Silvia O. “It’s a challenging time of the year to keep my grades up.” Don’t lose sight of your goals as we close out this school year.
Even though the season is changing and school is coming to an end stay positive, keep working hard, stay focused, and be mindful.
“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” —George Lorimer