2024 has come to an end, as the clock hit midnight and started a new year, some people wonder, how could they do better this year? What are some old habits that to leave behind, and what new things should be started for change in the new year?
Some KHS students have New Year’s Resolutions to start 2025. Junior Savannah J shares, “I plan to become a consumer and use up everything that I have before going out and buying more things. I have a ton of beauty products such as makeup that I need to use up first instead of buying new things just because.” Decluttering one’s life is often a common New Year’s Resolutions. Some believe, a decluttered space equals a less cluttered mind to focus on the important things.
KHS student Breanna’s New Year’s Resolution was to have better time management so that she can more successfully balance school and her other activities. We all like to do a variety of things and as high school students we’re often balancing school, sports and hobbies, and often jobs for the first time so learning how to balance that all so we can be successful in all areas of our lives can take some work figuring out.
Senior Kaniya K adds, “My New Year’s Resolution is to give up on procrastinating on certain things so I can make it to certain goals that I have planned for myself. I plan to focus on myself and putting things that benefit me first.”
Many student New Year’s Resolutions revolve around breaking bad habits and building good ones to be a more successful version of themselves. With the school year almost half over, and big years of change ahead whether that’s the end of high school or life after high school quickly approaching, students realize they need to tweak the poor habits that keep them from their own success.
A year from now, will you make the necessary change to be a better version of yourself? What are some things throughout the year that you feel you need to work on, and how are you going to maintain that resolution throughout the year?