Are you looking for a way to get involved and expand your high school experience here at Kenwood?
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “After school programs can support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe and supportive environment for children and the youth to carry out into their adulthood.” (Thomas)
At Kenwood if athletics aren’t your thing, there are a multitude of clubs and programs for students to join and be a part of to not just be involved but to also build their resumes and experiences for that next big step after high school. While all of these clubs are different, they all contribute to the Kenwood community as a whole.
For many years, school clubs have been an important part of any school. The National Conference of State Legislatures adds, “After school activities provide valuable opportunities for children to explore their interests, develop skills and foster social connections outside of the traditional school setting.” (Thomas)
There are numerous opportunities here at KHS to peak students’ interests and talents. Which one should you get involved in this school year?
Student Government & Publications
If interested in being a voice for students and being involved in creating and covering the fun things that go on during your high school years, there are several ways to get involved with that. Kenwood has a Student Government (SGA) sponsored by Ms. McRae. The SGA acts as spokesmen for the student body of Kenwood, helping the administration with the wants of students around the school. They put the needs of others in the front line so all voices can feel heard. SGA meets in room 8 every other Wed.

Kenwood’s publications which include yearbook, newspaper, a literary magazine, and a broadcast production are all a way to share the exciting things students are doing here at KHS or showcase students’ interests and concerns. If writing isn’t your thing, broadcast is always looking for hosts to speak on the morning announcements.
See Ms. Glenn in 133 to see how to get published, see Ms. Thompson to explore creative writing, and talk to Mr. Lyon if you’d like to host on the morning announcements.
Kenwood’s Environmental Club
Kenwood Environmental Nestwork (K.E.N.) started in 2016 under Mr. Woodward. “We engage in a wide variety of projects that teach environmental literacy and skills and also reduce human impact on our local environment. We meet all year long. The projects that we are involved in are fun and make a real difference in making the school campus a better place,” shares Woodward. The club meets on Tuesdays in room 212.
Some things that K.E.N does throughout the years are:
-grow hundreds of plants during the school year from seed in the classroom
-conduct plant sale
-celebrate Earth day with a variety of activities
-monitor bluebirds boxes around campus
-plant veggies and herbs in raised-bed gardens and maintain the gardens
-create commercials for school news
-environmental field trips
K.E.N. is great for students wanting to learn about the environment and how small changes make a big difference. Being a part of this organization looks great on a college resume and is a fantastic way to get in those service learning hours.

Drama and Tech Club
Ms. Macy, a Kenwood paraeducator, has been managing the Drama Tech Club for six years now. Prior to her involvement it was run by Ms. Saylor. “The club is beneficial to the community by offering use of our space for events like local graduation and dance groups. It is a good club to be involved or included in because we are family and we have a lot of fun and learn new skills. We get to help with the theater production, building sets, moving sets, running spotlight, and so much more. We are a part of a lot of very important parts of a show to help it run smoothly for the actors,” shares Macy. Tech Club meets once a week starting in October in the theater and then closer to productions more often. Some of the benefits of this club are that you can learn new skills and make new friends along the way. If anyone is interested in joining the tech crew, see Ms. Macy for more information.
If you’re more interested in the acting and performing part of theater, Ms. Taylor runs the Kenwood Drama Club. She remarks, “It has been around longer than I have taught here. I have found production books produced here at KHS from the 1960’s!”
The drama club entertains and educates the whole community on theater arts.” She adds, “Students should get involved with our club because it helps them to build skills such as confidence, collaboration, memorization, problem solving, construction and improvisation. Our club puts on two productions a year and fundraises for future productions.”
Drama Club meets in the auditorium or room 217 from September-December and February-March. It is important because it teaches students skills that they might never acquire and we are a close knit group, so friendships are built and we become like a family.
Their first performance of the year is this week with shows December 5-7 2024 at 6:00 pm on Thursday and Friday and 3:00 pm on Saturday. Ticket are $5.00 for students and $10 for adults.

Concert Choir/Band/Orchestra/Pep Band/ Jazz Ensemble
Mrs. Chappell oversees Kenwood’s vocal music program while Mr. Ladd leads Kenwood’s instrumental program. You can catch their first concert performance, their holiday production, next week on December 11.
Though vocal and instrumental music aren’t an after school club but more a course that often carries over after school in preparation for performances, Mr. Ladds adds, “To become a member of the Band or Orchestra at the high school level, you must have prior experience performing on a musical instrument. When we combine these two groups, we often perform as the KHS Pep Band at school games. ”
Kenwood’s music program has a long tradition going back to the beginnings of the school in the 1950s. About one and a half years ago, Mr. Pediford started an after school Jazz Ensemble made up of students that wished to perform jazz and big band music. While you must sign up for band and Orchestra every year to take as a class, entry into the KHS Jazz ensemble is by audition.
Kenwood’s instrumental groups perform at KHS functions such as football and basketball games, pep rallies, march in the Homecoming Parade, perform at Winter and Spring Concerts with the vocal music program, perform at senior events such as annual Senior Awards Ceremony, Farewell Assembly, and Graduation. Several individual students and ensembles also represent KHS at BCPS and All-State Solo and Ensemble Festivals. Throughout the years students involved have earned either an Excellent or Superior rating, even at the State level.

Music is a great learning tool that can also allow students to express themselves and their emotions by performing music. Performing music is one of the few things that we can do that engages all areas of the mind at the same time. It has been shown that by being involved in music, students do better in their other classes. Music teaches discipline and how to work with others. Every student is important to the final product. You must learn how your part fits in with others. Each student develops the confidence to do their best and to try new things. You make lifelong friends in Band and Orchestra. And it is FUN!
Honor Societies
Irene McNulty currently runs the National Honor Society. It has been at Kenwood for more than 30 years. Ms. McNulty states, “It is for students that are great scholars by maintaining good grades, but also have a positive impact on their school and community. We host a variety of activities throughout the school year, including a supply drive (to restock the grab and go station), a blood drive to help those in need, and a clean up day to freshen up the school grounds.”
NHS is a great way to get involved at school for students that plan on attending college. It is also a way to meet some of the other awesome students we have here at Kenwood.
NHS meets in room 243 after school. There are multiple other NHS, such as National Art Society, National Science Society, National Social Studies Society, National English Honor Society, and National Spanish Society. If you excel in any of these areas, being a part of the national honor society is a great way to be involved and boost your resume.
Educators Rising
Kenwood’s Teacher Academy of Maryland program is run by Abby Reed. An extension of the TAM program is the Educators Rising Club where those interested in pursing a career in educator can collaborate and prepare for their future as tomorrow’s educators. The TAM program is a completer to prepare students for future careers in the education profession. There are 3 courses plus an internship. Students are allowed to take the parapro exam, which if they pass, they can become a paraprofessional in a classroom right out of high school.

Model UN
Model UN is run by Mr. Nash. Model UN is a social studies themed debate team. Students play the role of a country and solve real-world problems. Students get to see professors and college students who are in international relations. It provides a view of what the real world looks like outside of high school. Each year students from various schools will engage in a Model United Nations Conference at Towson University.

Language and Arts Clubs
Students who have an interest or talent with languages or art can gather with others who share their interest and talent in our Spanish, French, and art clubs to explore their interests and skills more in depth.
SADD and Chess Club
Students who are looking for a way to get involved but may not be sure how or where, all are welcome to join Ms. Kramer in the counseling office after school on Tuesdays for the Chess and SADD Club. Both are a great way to get involved and challenge yourself whether that’s with strategy on a chess board or how to help promote safe decision making.
All of these clubs help bring our community together as a whole. It helps us to understand ourselves and what we want to do in our futures. Joining these clubs can help you find your way around our community and further yourself in many different ways.
Thomas, Bryan. “Supporting Student Success Through Afterschool Programs”. NCSL. September 11th, 2023. October 8th, 2024.