With a new school year, often comes new changes. Kenwood welcomed new principal Mrs. Smith with the start of the new school year.
With a new principal often comes new changes. A month in to school, and KHS students know they better hustle to class in hopes of not getting caught up in any of the frequent hall sweeps Mrs. Smith warns about well ahead of time.
“I definitely find myself rushing to class more!” shared Kenwood junior Kayla H. “It’s almost funny how everyone starts running to make it to class.” Students admit though that the requirement to have a hall pass if in the hall and hall sweep rules don’t affect you if you’re where you’re supposed to be. For those doing what they’re supposed to be doing, increased teacher presence in the hallways and hall sweeps aren’t an inconvenience.
Other school changes include things like not being able to make up missed work from before interims after interims or having to submit a redo request to redo a poor assignment. “Changes like this create a sense of urgency and accountability on students. Though they may not like it at first, it’s best for them in the long run,” shares a Kenwood ELA teacher.
New rules and changes like always leave some students feeling conflict. Some question how really necessary they are while others understand the reason for changing things. Kenwood student Leah shares, “A lot of the rules, like ones related to security in the halls are necessary because of how things are with school safety these days.”
Besides new rules and changes though, come new fun things too! “We have several really great activities coming up in the next 30 days and students will need to be meeting with academic success to attend,” shares Ms. Smith in her Bluebird Brief that is delivered to your inbox biweekly.
With Homecoming around the corner, October 1st began the eligibility window for Homecoming. In order for a student to be able to participate in all the run homecoming activities they will need to make sure the do not have: any Es at the time of the dance (October 26), no suspensions, and no more than two absences between Oct 1 and homecoming. Refunds will not be given for anyone who purchases a ticket but doesn’t meet the above criteria.
Ms. Smith has also been sharing on the morning announcements she hosts with students every A day, that students who finish their first quarter with less than 2 Es, who’ve missed school 4 days or less, and have not been suspended will get to participate in an amazing assembly on November 4 with Professional BMX riders here at KHS to show off their skills.
As we head towards the end of the first quarter of a new school year, rather than fight against changes, think about how any changes can help make you the better version of yourself. We hope to see all KHS students at Homecoming and the BMX Assembly. Be ready to bring your best self to this school year!
LaTanya • Oct 14, 2024 at 12:21 pm