Kenwood High School has enjoyed a vibrant past few years, particularly with the development of its dance program, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic and has since undergone remarkable growth. In the Fall of 2021, the school proudly introduced its dance team and it’s exploded in growth and success ever since.
This past weekend for the second year in a row, Kenwood’s dance team and sponsors Amy Ferrigno and Tara McRae were repeat National Champ at the Eastern Cheer and Dance Hershey Open Nationals. Our students took first in Varsity Hip-Hop, Varsity Variety, Senior Solo (Chyann Santos) and Senior Ensemble (Tomiwa Oriade and Kyla Simms).
KHS’s dance team also won the Sweet Escape Show Your Spirit Award for being the most supportive and spirited at the competition and won 20 free tickets to Hershey Park! “They exemplified Kenwood Pride and we are very proud of them!” shares Kenwood Principal Armstrong.

First year dancer Marissa found the National Dance Competition to be an amazing experience. “All the hard work leading up to the competition and the stress was worth it! I’m so proud of myself and my amazing team! I’m so thankful for our wonderful dance teacher Ms. Amy and it’s an experience I wouldn’t have wanted to experience with anyone else but my Kenwood team,” Marissa proudly shares.
The dance team host two dance shows annually, one in the winter and another in the spring. Additionally, the school dance team actively participates in competitions, performs at school games, and consistently shares memorable moments together.
The Kenwood dance program offers much more than just dancing; it provides the best experience one could ask for. It fosters new friendships and even a supportive family to rely on when needed. While there are times dance can be stressful and tiring, participants agree that the rewards far outweigh the challenges. The program offers experiences beyond expectation and creates cherished memories with fellow dancers on the team.
Dancer Grace D. echoes similar feelings, expressing her joy in participating in the dance program. She highlights, “I’m happy to be part of dance because I enjoy being able to collaborate and participate in the the activities dance provides.” Grace would feel a profound sense of loss if the program were ever cut out, emphasizing its role in facilitating unique self-expression and forming new connections.
In addition to its interpersonal benefits, the dance program serves as a platform for students to collaborate to choreograph dance performances for biannual shows, doubling as fundraisers. Grace. D states,“People should care about the dance program because it provides both kids and adults with a means to express themselves. It can also help them through difficult times and serves as a stress reliever for many, offering a way to clear their minds.” Dance can provide support to individuals in various ways, tailored to each person’s needs.
The inclusive environment of the dance class at Kenwood provides a safe space for self-discovery and mutual understanding. Here, individuals are empowered to be themselves and embrace their authenticity through different dance styles. Under the guidance of dedicated dance instructors like Ms. Amy, students gain confidence and self-awareness as they learn to perform in front of an audience. Ms. Amy emphasizes the class’s positive influence on student engagement and well-being, stating that “it’s sometimes the reason students look forward to coming to school.”
Testimonials from dance students further underscore the role of the class as a nurturing space for personal growth and authentic self-expression, emphasizing the importance of challenging one’s comfort zone and embracing individuality within the supportive environment of the dance class.
We invite students to join our dance class next year, continuing the transformative journey of dance at Kenwood High School.