When it comes to being a teenager in high school you are faced with many difficulties and some of those difficulties are keeping good grades in order to graduate and thinking about what you’re going to be doing after high school. Students that are planning on going to college or a university are supposed to keep good grades all throughout high school which can be a challenge.
But there are opportunities here at KHS that can help us make sure our college bound dreams come true. The AVID program (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a national program at many schools across the country whose mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students, regardless of race, gender, income level, parent’s education level, for college readiness and success in high school and beyond. It prepares those traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
“This class helps make sure you’re doing good in your classes and doing what you need to do to make sure you’re on the right road to college or a university,” adds Kenwood AVID senior.
AVID helps students become better students and better people because it prepares them for the real world outside of high school. Ms Single shares, “AVID helps kids that want to go to college succeed; it also helps the ones that are dedicated about college prepare them for college.”
Ms. Komorowski who’s been teaching AVID at Kenwood for eight years adds, “If your planning on going to a four year college then AVID would be right for you. AVID helps teach students skills and strategies that they can take from high school and use in their classes and everyday life. They are taught to be self-advocates and collaborators. ”
Students in AVID need to maintain a 3.0 GAP. Being a part of AVID also gives students a school family to be a part of during their time here at KHS. Throughout AVID students participate in various service projects. This upcoming December they will create and fill stockings for Empower4Life to support children in need this holiday season.
Ms Komorowski also adds, “Students must be willing to work, attend school on a regular basis, advocate for themselves, collaborate with peers, and challenge themselves in rigorous classes. Not only do you need to be able to work with others but you have to be willing enough to get out of your comfort zone and take harder classes in school like Honors or AP level classes.”
KHS senior Bradley believes AVID was the best way to prepare himself for the next step of college. “Avid was the best choice for me and should be a choice for anyone considering college as their next step.”
If college is in your future, AVID might be the thing to add to your schedule next year. It’ll prepare you for what’s next.