Inflation Hits Local Families

Image provided by Phil Gold UConn Extension News
November 17, 2022
When we think about inflation, we think about the impact this is causing local families. There is a concern about how the increase in the cost of goods and supplies is going to be managed by those in the lower classes during this extreme and critical period, and how it will affect the people who go to work every day to provide for their families, and how this is going to affect their lifestyle and, their way of living and society as a whole group and how it will create a shift/change in one’s lives.
People cannot even go to a grocery store and buy a $100 full cart of groceries anymore due to an increase in supply costs like materials and gas to transport items. With the COVID-19 pandemic lots of jobs left and went overseas.
Kenwood History and Philosophy teacher Mr. Williams contributes the inflation concerns to a chain reaction event of several factors. “I think a lot of it is supply not keeping up with unleashed demand from the pandemic, leading to supply chain issues, businesses having problems hiring people for the old poverty wages and Russia, with Saudi Arabia, our wonderful 9/11 ally, using oil as a weapon in their invasion of Ukraine.”
Whatever the cause local families are feeling the financial hit. Inflation has impacted Kenwood staff and they are feeling the inflation hit not just at the gas pump which is 18% higher than this time last year but at the grocery store too. “Inflation has affected our grocery bill,” shares Ms. Barr, Kenwood English teacher. She expressed how inflation has doubled her expenses in groceries.
According to Forbes, “The price of buying groceries and dining out surged in October and are now 12% and 9% higher than a year ago, respectively. The overall food index gained almost 11%.”
Inflation has affected so many people in the United States within months, especially middle class workers. Ms. Glenn shares her daily struggle with inflation with her household of five. “It hits us hard with gas because I commute almost 30 miles each way to work, and our kids play travel sports that has us driving all over the state most weekends. Plus, three growing kids cost quite a bit at the grocery store and meals out,” she shares.
In hard moments we see people make societal changes to make their lives easier. As for the 2022 nationwide inflation in America we see the American people cut back on their favorite necessities to make ends meet and this impacts businesses.
Ms. Glenn’s sister who owns her own hair styling business felt the inflation impact. “People are canceling and not scheduling themselves for extra things like getting their hair and nails done because of this inflated economy,” Ms. Glenn shared.
As the inflation grows in a moment of despair people will cut out what they love to do just to be able to make ends meets. It could be painful but sometimes in life we need to let go of them as we let unnecessary weight go off our shoulders to have absolute relief as well as peace of mind.
In Ms. Rodier’s AP Economic class Kenwood students are not only learning the basics of economics but, “Students will be calculating the ‘economic’ side of why prices are so high right now,” shares Ms. Rodier. “The AP students worked through defining inflation and its role in the economy. As we progress through the semester, students will be able to identify the causes of inflation as well as look at the effects of inflation in the economy now and in the future.“ Upperclassmen can look at taking AP Economics for potential college credit before they leave Kenwood.
Tepper, Taylor. “Why is Inflation so High?” Forbes Advisor. Forbes. 10 November 2022. Web Accessed 14 November 2022.
daniel oloju • Nov 17, 2022 at 8:45 am
love this story very informative on issue on inflation