Sports Seasons Aren’t Always What We Hoped But Always an Opportunity for Growth

Kenwood volleyball showing off their new uniforms for the 2021 season.

Amaya Freeman

There is no secret that Kenwood sports returned to a full season of action this Fall. With that comes the trials and tribulations of the new sports season, especially following the limited opportunties to engage in sports during the pandemic.

Kenwood’s volleyball team returned to the court in August though ready to make the best of their first full season since the Fall of 2019. Volleyball is an aggressive sport with plenty of hitting, serving, and passing.

Though the season didn’t go as planned as it was a struggle returning to play after the pandemic, Coach Rhonda felt the team grew a lot through the season. “This was an extremely rough season for all of us including the coaches but we all stuck together.”

There were a lot of new players that had never played volleyball and others that though they’ve played never played at the varsity level. Despite the challenges, Coach Ronda adds, “These ladies have worked so hard this year that next year we will be the team to watch.”

Varsity junior Kayla M-J had her first experience as team captian this season.  “As a captain I think my biggest struggle was continuing to be a leader for my team. There were times I was disappointed in myself when I wasn’t acting like a leader, but I pushed through for my team and got back on track,” she shares. She’s looking forward to one more year to represent the Bluebirds on the vollyeball court next Fall.

Not every sport season goes the way we imagine but no matter the end result we always grow and learn from the experience to become something better for the next season.