Child Development II Students Create Virtual Classrooms for Preschool Students
June 4, 2021
Child development is an elective class students can take here at Kenwood High that provides them a hands on experience working with young children. The class teachers students about the development of young children, different theories that effect the education of young minds, and how to plan developmentally appropriate activities for preschool aged students.
With the course moved to a virtual platform during the pandemic students did not have the same opportunity to “plan developmentally appropriate activities for preschool students”, because though high school students returned to the building in March and April, preschoolers could not come back for the 2020-2021 school year.
Without preschool students able to return to the building, the Child Development course was a different experience as a result of the pandemic. Teaching preschool students is a huge part of the Child Development program experience, but just like teachers had to adapt to environmental changes due to the pandemic Child Development students turned preschool teachers had to learn to do the same. Child Development teacher Ms. Reed feels for what her high school and their preschool students missed this past year. “It has definitely been a challenging school year and is disappointing that my current students are not getting the hands-on experience that they signed up for,” she shares.

A part of the preschool experience that Kenwood High students usually get to acclimate their little students to is the process of following routines and socializing with one another. Unfortunately, that was an experience both the high school and preschool students missed out on this past year as a result of the pandemic.
While Kenwood students did not get the experience of working with the preschool children in a hands on way, they did gain the experience of lesson planning in a digital world. Child Development II students created virtual classrooms. Anyone with younger preschool age students at home can visit the KHS student created learning links below to help get their younger children academically ready for kindergarten.
For the virtual classroom students had to create a Bitmoji preschool classroom that included links to a drag and drop math activity, a drag and drop phonics activity, and a lesson-to-go that was a hands-on activity. “They used Google Slides when creating activities. They definitely got a taste of how long it can take to create virtual activities,” shared Ms. Reed.
It may not have been the teaching practice experience students hoped for but like all teachers had to do this past year they learned to adapt and make the best of it.

If looking for preschool age appropriate activities for your soon to be kindergarteners this summer be sure to check out these student created virtual activities:
Diana A-B:
Katlynn B:
Deanthony D:
Grace G:
Piper L:
Leslie R:
Alesha S:
Ty’Shera T-B:
Kersten C: