Kenwood welcomes new principal, Mr. Armstrong.
This year Kenwood welcomes a new principal, Mr. Armstrong. With lots of experience and a passion for education, Mr. Armstrong is ready to lead Kenwood into a bright future and is committed to students’ success. Mr. Armstrong has great ideas for the success of Kenwood this year.
Mr. Armstrong is coming to Kenwood from Parkville High School where he was the assistant principal for six years. He graduated from Michigan State University where he majored in Education and Spanish. As a principal, Mr. Armstrong wants to push to make Kenwood a safe and a supportive school. Mr. Armstrong recognizes that students take different paths after high school and wants to make sure all students feel supported in the start of their early adult life.
Support and trust were popular topics of interest as Mr. Armstrong says, “My number one goal for our staff here is every student has an adult they can talk to and that we as a staff are making sure that we are doing the work to ensure that.”
Mr. Armstrong has lots of goals for Kenwood but doesn’t want to rush into a million changes. He recognizes that there is a good foundation left by Mr. Powell but would like to tighten up on a few things. As many students have noticed there has been an increase in hall sweeps and class cut times have been shortened. Mr. Armstrong adds, “ When students are in class we don’t have the problems that happen when they’re not in class.” Both students and staff are adjusting to the changes around the building, staff adjusting better than students.
Mr. Figola, a teacher at Kenwood, comments on how the students are adjusting by saying, “Change is hard to come by. Some aren’t reacting well, some out of anger, some out of frustration but water tends to find its level, and everyone will find a way to be peaceful.” This hopeful attitude is commonly found within a lot of teachers.
Another teacher adds, “Obviously there’s been a lot of issues in the first few weeks as students return to the routine and expectations of school, but as time goes on students will adjust and learn to accept change.”
Some students have already accepted the change and feel that Mr. Armstrong will be a good addition to Kenwood. One student said Mr. Armstrong is the great and very respectful. Mr. Woodward, a teacher at Kenwood calls him hard working and high energy.
Many students and staff miss Mr. Powell and are sad to see him go but welcome Mr. Armstrong as the newest addition to Kenwood and are excited to see what follows in the upcoming years.
Mr Armstrong feels he’s a good fit for the Kenwood community because he’s solution oriented and down to earth. He wants to make Kenwood better and wants to improve on the already strong systems here. The long term goal is to constantly get better. Students and staff welcome Mr. Armstrong and are ready to have a successful and supportive year.